Clinical Psychologist



FREE Initial Consultation!!!!

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(760) 607-6444

Do you feel like you are stuck in a rut? Have you lost your enthusiasm for the simple things in life? Do your relationships with others seem dissatisfying? Does it seem like no one understands you?

Depression is a very common mood disorder that can often go unrecognized. If you have experienced some of these symptoms, you may be depressed:

  • Sad or irritable mood

  • Frequent crying

  • Loss of interest or pleasure

  • Fatigue or loss of energy

  • Weight loss or weight gain

  • Insomnia or sleeping too much

  • Decreased concentration

  • Feeling worthless and/or hopeless

  • Thoughts of death or suicidal thoughts

Working with a therapist can help to improve and possibly eliminate symptoms of depression altogether by learning skills to challenge negative thought patterns, negative core beliefs, and improving self-esteem.

Please call today to set up a free initial consultation to learn more about depression and discuss if therapy is right for you.